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Online video platform

for you and your business too

Need more clients? We can help! Call 1 (888) 565 7375

Need more clients?
We can help!
1 (888) 565 7375

  • We can help you get new clients

    We help businesses get new clients and calls efficiently by using various online platforms liken Facebook, Google, Instagram, Youtube, business directories. City Pros mobile apps.

  • Accept bookings for your services online 24/7

    City Pros is a global platform for service providers and can save your time by automating booking process. Signup and add your services, so that your existing and new clients can book your services online 24/7 using iPhone or Android phones.

  • Accept payments online for your services 24/7

    Clients can pay for your services online using a preferred payment method like Visa or Mastercard or use Apple Pay or Google Pay in

City Pros pricing


How we help you

City Pros providers all-in-one video communication platform for communication with your clients, manage your bookings and receive payments.

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Use City Pros.

The only platform you need for online consultations with clients all over the world.

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